Friday, 10 December 2010

It's not all about me.

hEllo every1! i just thot i wud post so here! i luuuuuuuuuuuuuv my blog so much its totlly awsome!!!!!!!!

I despise those people too, so relax.

Clearly I'm new to the whole blogging scene, I've never really taken a second look until now. Why now then? Easy: firstly, I've realised that I don't converse too often about my life with people in the real world. Things like feelings, my past, my thoughts, what I like to get up to, that shit. Mostly because small talk bores the utter fuck out of me. Deep conversations about what the fuck is actually going down is what interests me, just as long as it doesn't involve too much about me. That and, well, long walks on the beach. So I thought this would be a good place to speak my mind without the consequences taken into account. Fuck it, there is no 'secondly'
You following?

I didn't join this for fake followers and a billion comments on every post, because I hate the limelight. Nay, I'm not a tool like some suicidal attention whores looking for sympathy, when really they have it adequately good, but who knows. It's why those constantly depressed posts/status annoy me, to an extent, 'cause I can relate, to an extent. Yes, I have drinking/hoarding/not giving a shit/potential drop-out/narcissitic, problems, but I wont be over-dramatic in speaking about them. You'll only get the truth from me. There should have been an etcetera in there.

Anyways, as oppose to my recent obsession with the gym, it's winter and I can't be fucked to get up and travel to the gym, so I'm binge eating to replace the muscle weight. Right now I weigh slap bang 154 lbs (decent for a 17 year old I guess), I want to get to 162 lbs, where I was at around a month and a half ago, by the end of January. Yes, my metabolism is unbelievably high. Anyone with this problem able to give some advice?

I've had this lyric stuck in my head, it's my favourite of this week. Here:
"Cause even when the world is falling on top of me, pessimism is an emotion, not a philosophy"

Just remember that.


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